core values

Core Values

The Baringo Technical College is an integral part of the society and endeavors to exhibit high social and professional standards. Core Values are the fundamental values or ideals at the heart of Baringo Technical College that lays the foundation on which the College operates.  Core values shape the culture and define the character of Baringo Technical College.

The staff will conduct their duties in accordance with the Teachers Service Code of conduct and Ethics and endeavor to project a supportive corporate culture among its members.

We have identified and selected core values that shall remain points for observance by The Baringo Technical College fraternity and will be the principles guiding the behavior of all stakeholders in conducting the College business.

Guided by our vision and mission we shall uphold the following values at all times. These core values are:

  • Integrity
  • Quality
  • Accountability
  • Professionalism
  • Commitment
  • Leadership
  • Diversity